We'd love to welcome you to the community! Learn how to schedule your ribbon cutting below.
Scheduling a Ribbon Cutting
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies are the perfect way to celebrate a:
Grand Opening - Expansion - New Location - Rebranding - or Significant Anniversary
The Meridian Chamber is happy to help you coordinate your Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Please keep the following in mind:
- Time: The best time to schedule a Ribbon Cutting is Tuesday through Friday 10 am to 4 pm. This ensures that someone at the Chamber, as well as City officials can attend. We don’t see a solid turnout for night time or weekend events due to other professional/personal commitments.
- Cost: Ribbon cuttings are free for Chamber members. **For new members to take advantage of this service, membership dues must be received before planning a ribbon cutting or publicizing an event. **
- Coordinating with the City: The Chamber will alert the City to your event. The Mayor’s schedule often prevents her from attending; however, her office will generally send someone to represent the City.
- Supplies: The Chamber will bring the large ceremonial scissors and a blue ribbon for you to cut.
- Marketing & Promotion: The Chamber will assist you in promoting your Ribbon Cutting. This can be open to the public or small and intimate with only invited guests. That’s entirely up to you.
Preparing for your Ribbon Cutting
Think about who you would like to attend. You can keep it small or make it a big event. This includes inviting the local media (a great way to do this is by writing and issuing a press release).
The best spot to cut the ribbon is usually in front of a sign, door, wall or window that features your company name or logo.
Think about who will cut the ribbon and stand around you in the photo. Generally speaking we want all attendees (not taking a photo) to stand behind you and those you choose to be next to you to be in the pictures. We ask our Ambassadors to hold each side of the ribbon for you.
You may want to prepare a short speech for your guests before you cut the ribbon.
Many businesses like to provide refreshments and a tour after the ceremony, but this is completely up to you.
Typical Ribbon Cutting Event
- Opening comments by the Chamber CEO, or Membership Director
- Host Business Comments and Virtual Tour (if applicable)
- Brief words by City Official if present
- Presentation of Green Plant
- Photo Opportunity, then 3 Count and the Ribbon is cut!
- Networking/Social Time/Refreshments
Out of respect for the busy schedule of your attendee, it is important to get the Ribbon Cutting started on time. Those able will then stay around for refreshments and a possible tour of your business facility, should you choose to provide them.

Ribbon Cutting Request
Please note that the Chamber does not schedule events after regular business hours or on weekends unless special arrangements are made. We have found that attendance is higher for events held within regular business hours.
Our calendar fills up FAST. Please give us several choices of days, dates and times so we make sure your event can be added to the current schedule.
To book, call the office at 208.888.2817 or email lauren@meridianchamber.org. ONLY CHAMBER MEMBERS MAY BOOK FOR A RIBBON CUTTING.
Ideal Days & Times are Tuesday or Thursday mornings between 11:00am-12:30pm.